Romans 6:19 ESV
"I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness."
The author, Kimberly Griffith Anderson, believes in God with all her heart. Her books have not been difficult to write as she believes that God put them in her heart to write, publish and share with the world. Writers block is not something she has experienced. For her, she feels like she is being told what to type and she just takes it all down.
Many readers tell Kimberly that her books are very readable. She has had people to admit to her that they really don’t read books that often, that they haven’t read a book since they were in school and were required to read for a class. One man told her that he had not read anything besides technical manuals since high school, but could not put her books down. One day she came across this verse in the Bible and it stuck with her. I put this in human terms… The NKJV translates this as I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations… Kimberly is an educator by nature, and her books contain life lessons. Sometimes we hear things or read things and don’t understand them until we are presented with an everyday example, thus Kimberly’s writing. With the exception of What Are Fungi, Kimberly’s books deal with the weakness of the flesh and how we can so easily fall into a life of sin and try to justify it in our minds. Each of her characters, however, does come back to Jesus and present their members as slaves of righteousness for holiness.
In her earlier books, she admits she took some liberties in the revisions, and some of these liberties she regrets. She initially wrote what was “dictated” to her, then went back and changed some of the events and happenings to fit what she thought readers would most enjoy. Later books reflect a greater adherence to God’s will. Kimberly hopes that each of her readers will find a blessing within the pages of her books as they identify with the characters and change their lives to walk closer with God.
If you would like Kimberly's assistance in publishing your own book that honors God, she may be available to assist. Please contact her here. Click here to see fees for publishing assistance. Kim also offers one-on-one self-publishing consultations. Please see below.
"I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness."
The author, Kimberly Griffith Anderson, believes in God with all her heart. Her books have not been difficult to write as she believes that God put them in her heart to write, publish and share with the world. Writers block is not something she has experienced. For her, she feels like she is being told what to type and she just takes it all down.
Many readers tell Kimberly that her books are very readable. She has had people to admit to her that they really don’t read books that often, that they haven’t read a book since they were in school and were required to read for a class. One man told her that he had not read anything besides technical manuals since high school, but could not put her books down. One day she came across this verse in the Bible and it stuck with her. I put this in human terms… The NKJV translates this as I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations… Kimberly is an educator by nature, and her books contain life lessons. Sometimes we hear things or read things and don’t understand them until we are presented with an everyday example, thus Kimberly’s writing. With the exception of What Are Fungi, Kimberly’s books deal with the weakness of the flesh and how we can so easily fall into a life of sin and try to justify it in our minds. Each of her characters, however, does come back to Jesus and present their members as slaves of righteousness for holiness.
In her earlier books, she admits she took some liberties in the revisions, and some of these liberties she regrets. She initially wrote what was “dictated” to her, then went back and changed some of the events and happenings to fit what she thought readers would most enjoy. Later books reflect a greater adherence to God’s will. Kimberly hopes that each of her readers will find a blessing within the pages of her books as they identify with the characters and change their lives to walk closer with God.
If you would like Kimberly's assistance in publishing your own book that honors God, she may be available to assist. Please contact her here. Click here to see fees for publishing assistance. Kim also offers one-on-one self-publishing consultations. Please see below.