In 2003 I hosted a New Year's Eve gathering of adults. One of activities was to write down our goals for the coming year. I had decorative magnets for everyone to write on, take home, and hang on their refrigerator. One of my goals was to have a baby, our first. I don't recall the other goals, but that was one goal that I did not believe would come to fruition as the year passed. In December, I decided that I was dissatisfied with my OB/GYN and asked some girlfriends for recommendations. I made an appointment with this new OB/GYN for December 31, so that I could be seen under the deductible I had already met. Ten minutes into the visit, I found out that I was pregnant. 14 weeks pregnant. Check! Goal met! Every year since 2003, I have written my goals for the year.
Since 2003, I've put a great deal of thought into my goals. I type them and hang them on my bathroom mirror to remind myself to stay focussed. Periodically, I evaluate my progress and make decisions based on the outcomes I stated. Earlier this week, I looked at my goals for 2017 and I had met most of them, not all. The goal of weightloss has been an ongoing goal for as far back as I can recall. This year my goal was to weigh less on Dec. 31, 2017 than I did on Jan 1, 2017. Any amount less would do! Check, 2 lbs less! I also noticed that there was no mention of writing or publishing a devotional. That became a goal in May and it was completed in December. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3) I believe plans and goals are different, but both must be in accordance with the direction God has already pre-established for our individual lives. Before sitting down to write your goals, you should be in prayer. Ask the Lord to reveal to you what He desires for your life in the coming year. Sure, we can set goals and make plans without Him, but we will have to work five times as hard to meet them. Seek His guidance when setting goals and He will put you on a course that is in accordance with His will.
If writing your goals is new, I suggest that you think and pray about goals in the following four areas: 1) Faith / Spirituality 2) Work or Education 3) Home / Family / Children 4) Personal My Pastor, Rev. Steve Hogg has stated, on more than one occasion, "You don't have a real plan if you can't put it on paper." I believe this to be true. Putting thoughts and ideas on paper makes them real. I encourage you to write down your goals. Plans come later as you develop a means to meeting your goals. One of my goals for 2018 is to increase the reach of this blog. I advertise on social media and send a link by email to those who have subscribed above. I believe the Lord is pleased with this weekly, scripture-based blog and will help more people to see it. You can help, too, by sharing it with others. It is also very encouraging for me to see likes and comments below. As we enter a new year, I pray that you, my readers, will be abundantly blessed, and that you will give thanks to the Lord each and every day, for He is good all the time! Thank you for reading, I love you with the love of the Lord, Kim “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4 Copyright 2017, Kimberly Griffith Massey
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If you like this style of writing, you will enjoy Turn North: A 30-Day Devotional and Journal written by the author of this blog.
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