Part of my job involves pulling teachers together to reach consensus about various common duties and topics. Sometimes this is a difficult task. This week I set a meeting date and time and was about to send the email invitation when I had second thoughts about my wording. I stated, “If you are not available to attend, and cannot make reasonable changes to your schedule in order to become available, please let me know.” With my finger on SEND, I read that line and decided it was unkind. It wasn’t necessary. It might come across as insensitive. I needed to check my attitude so I didn’t become the cause of poor attendance. I realized I was trying to push my agenda - and while I am paid to do so, I cannot do it by infringing on the rights or liberties of those I have been entrusted to lead. I changed my statement to, “please make every effort to attend this session as your opinion is important.” Better? I thought it was. In last week’s news a woman was jogging in Central Park in NYC with her dog unleashed. When asked to leash the dog, she resisted, called the police and reported that the man who asked her to leash the dog was assaulting her. She had an agenda that caused her to believe her rights and liberties were superior to his right to use the park without fear of being attacked by an unrestrained dog.
Another story in last week’s news, was the story of George Floyd who was being arrested in Minnesota for alleged check fraud. As the police arrested him, he struggled and was subdued on the ground, handcuffed, with one of the police officer’s kneeling on his neck. A video has been released and Mr. Floyd said he couldn’t breathe. The police officer, who’s agenda should be to protect and serve did not change his position for 7-9 minutes. Mr. Floyd later died of suffocation. I have my agenda(s), and you have yours. What we all must realize is that our personal agenda(s) must always be set aside in order for God’s agenda to be fulfilled. As our Creator, the One who’s plans matter above all else, we must humble ourselves to His agenda and advocate for it in every situation. Our personal agenda should never be pushed ahead of God’s will. When we see this happening, we must use our voices and means to bring attention to it. We find God’s Agenda for humanity in 1 Timothy 1:1-4 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. We should pray for our family members, friends, neighbors, and all of humankind that the Lord bless them and bring them peace and understanding. It is God’s will that we live peaceful, quiet lives that seek to serve the Lord and be holy. A peaceful, quiet life is one that minds his or her own business, and does not stir up trouble in the affairs of others. It is God’s agenda that we become saved and know the truth. God wants all people to know that they are sinners from birth and that they need a savior to remove the burden of sin. He wants people to know that Jesus is our savior and if we believe in Him, then our sins are forgiven as he gave himself as a ransom for all of mankind. You may wonder how my agenda to get teachers to attend a meeting connects to God’s agenda. If I were to ruin the opportunity to meet because I sent a nasty email, then I will not have the opportunity to communicate in a peaceful and loving manner demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. ~Galatians 5:22-26 As Christians, we will be recognized by our fruits. The conversation about salvation likely would not occur during our business meeting, but by sending a kind and gentle email invitation, someone might decide to speak with me about something of a more personal nature after the meeting. They might ask me about Jesus. I might have the opportunity to share the Gospel. If you are a Christian, check your agenda. Is your agenda aligned to God’s agenda? Are your social media posts aligned with God’s agenda? Are your thoughts and attitudes about things you hear happening in the world aligned with the Lord’s agenda - that all of humanity come to know Him. I did not mention earlier, that the man in Central Park was black and the woman white; nor did I mention that Mr. Floyd was black and the officer white. These are important details that I left out, but even without those details, we can see improper agendas. If you don’t see improper agendas in these examples, then your agenda is out of sync with God and it needs to be checked. Amen. Please pray that 2020 gets better. Thank you for reading! Kim Click here to print from PDF file.
D. Floyd
5/31/2020 09:13:53 am
Good morning thanks for the word and the remainder to put God's agenda first. Things can and will get better and we will be a better people, following God's will God's way! Keep following God's agenda! Doing what He has purpose in your heart! Write on my sister write on ! Glory to God!
6/1/2020 10:45:11 am
Thank you for reading, Ms. Floyd. Yes, things will get better, we must keep praying!
Alex Fair
5/31/2020 10:22:58 am
Continue to share the Word of God and let us All be Grateful for his Grace and Mercy. I Pray that we all get better each day and that we keep God the Center of our Life & Heart so that our Steps will be Ordered Correctly.
5/31/2020 12:11:02 pm
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