Back in July, I posted a picture of myself in a disposable face mask that just happened to match my blouse. I said, I was trying to be one of those “together” women whose face mask matched their blouse - I was totally joking, but one of my sweet friends thought I was pretty pathetic and bought me a homemade face mask that actually matched the blouse, plus a bonus one with Clemson tiger paws all over it. Another sweet friend posted that her sister made face masks to sell, so I bought one. Now, I have this selection of face masks to match my outfits - but that doesn’t negate the fact that I hate wearing a face mask. My office is in a school and face masks are required at all times - even when you are alone in the room. I sit on Zoom meetings, in the room alone, wearing a face mask.
This week, I led an 8th grade Science class through a lab experiment. It was a class of 10, all wearing face masks, each separated by 6ft feet for social distancing safety. I’m somewhat animated when I present, I move, I talk loud, I laugh, I was exhausted. The teacher said, “Mrs. Massey, If I disappear, it’s because sometimes I have to walk out in the hallway and take this mask off for a minute.” I totally understood. When I got back to my office and took off my face mask, to breathe freely for just a minute - it was wet. I started coughing, my throat was hurting, I drank a whole bottle of water. After a few deep breaths I put on a new, dry, face mask. On Friday afternoon, I received a phone call from a friend who is a teacher, she said, “Girl, this face mask…something’s got to give! I’m wore out! And every time I inhale, I suck in mask!” I get it. I experienced it for myself, but I only taught for an hour! Our teachers are not okay! As a parent of two public school students, and a public school educator, I am happy that our students have the opportunity to attend school face-to-face. I believe they need the socialization and the feeling of normalcy. These face masks, though, this is so far from God’s original design. On the second day of Creation, He said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water. So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning - the second day.” (Genesis 1:6-8) Man wasn’t created yet, but He made us this vault of protection, layers of the atmosphere, the water cycle to keep water moving throughout the beautiful Earth He created, keeping things hydrated and fresh. It was very good. (Gen. 1:31) Then came sin. Everything changed. All that was good became tainted. The ground, the very Earth God created for mankind to enjoy was cursed.(Gen. 3:17) Right now, acres of the Earth are on fire, the trees are burning, people are having to escape for their lives. People all over the Earth are wearing face masks to protect us from a virus in the air. The word “virus” is from a Latin word that means poison. I’m pretty sure viruses were not a part of God’s original Creation. Man was not supposed to die, (Gen. 3:19) we were going to live forever, now in just 7 months this country has lost over 200,000 people to a virus. All of Creation suffers the consequences of sin. This, however, is not the end of the story. God loves His precious children, and although we sin, and He provides us with redemption. He gives us Jesus. Although we must live through a pandemic, wear face masks, experience hardship and grief, His love is everlasting and He doesn’t want His children to suffer eternal separation from Him. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Jesus Christ bore the burden of our sin so that we would not have to. Christ died that we can live. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.” (John 15:13) Do you believe this? Do you believe you are a sinner in need of a savior? Jesus is available to you, too. Ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart to live forever. Find a copy of God’s Holy Word. Start reading in Genesis. Join a Bible study - it will change your life, for the better! Amen. Print as PDF Thank you for reading today! Keep wearing your face mask - and don’t forget to wash it :-) Have a great week! Kim
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